Good software adapts to the needs of its users. This is what we believe in. This is what we strive for every day.
When we developed the CHEMDOX software, we always kept the users in mind. Making life easier for them has always been our priority. Developed by experts for experts, CHEMDOX is highly efficient and solution-oriented. With CHEMDOX, high-quality, safety-relevant documents can easily be created that meet the requirements of chemicals and transport law.
The CHEMDOX company is a subsidiary of UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh - developing high-quality software since 1999. This ensures that CHEMDOX software is constantly being adapted to the needs of its users.
We are committed to taking our customers' needs seriously in order to deliver a first-class product. We pay special attention to supporting our customers, because both we and our customers benefit from this exchange.
Our aim is to constantly challenge the existing standard for good hazardous materials management and always stay one step ahead.
Management Team

Anton Zrzavy

Maggi Szaran

Markus Plesser