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Do you pro­duce your haz­ardous ma­te­ri­als la­bels through a com­pletely in­de­pen­dent work­flow? That’s not al­ways ef­fi­cient and cer­tainly error-​prone.

It re­ally makes your life eas­ier to gen­er­ate your la­bels on the same data­base as every­thing else. The key to suc­cess­ful la­belling is to sup­port your in­di­vid­ual in­ter­nal process.

This is why CHEM­DOX of­fers:

  • an in­te­grated haz­ard la­bel soft­ware tool, as well as 
  • in­te­gra­tions with third-​party la­belling ap­pli­ca­tions. 

The in­ter­nal CHEM­DOX la­belling tool is very flex­i­ble and easy to use to cre­ate both GHS com­pli­ant haz­ard la­bels as well as other la­bel types (e.g. dan­ger­ous goods trans­porta­tion). 

With CHEM­DOX you can as­sure the qual­ity of the reg­u­la­tory in­for­ma­tion on the la­bel, while still al­low­ing for fur­ther data ad­di­tion dur­ing pro­duc­tion (Batch/Lot, Pro­duc­tion Date, etc.). Here, CHEM­DOX of­fers ex­ter­nal La­bel Apps with in­di­vid­ual, sim­ple user in­ter­faces – es­pe­cially de­signed for ef­fi­cient use in pro­duc­tion.

So, no mat­ter how you want to han­dle it, la­bels are ex­tremely easy to pro­duce with CHEM­DOX.

CHEM­DOX Fea­tures for Haz­ard La­belling:

  • Pro­duc­tion of GHS-​compliant haz­ard la­bels
  • Easy to use WYSI­WYG la­bel ed­i­tor (drag and drop and ex­act po­si­tion­ing)
  • Seam­less in­te­gra­tion with CHEM­DOX prod­uct data­base
  • Add needed in­for­ma­tion to your quality-​assured la­bels dur­ing pro­duc­tion (Batch/Lot, Pro­duc­tion Date, etc.)
  • Multi-​brand strat­egy and pri­vate la­bels
  • In­te­gra­tion of third-​party la­bel­ing ap­pli­ca­tions
CHEMDOX Features for Hazard Labeling

Your ben­e­fits:


Flex­i­ble lay­out. Easy to use.


Multi-​stage work­flow – al­lows for reg­u­la­tory qual­ity as­sur­ance and easy ad­di­tion of batch-​related data by pro­duc­tion.


In­te­gra­tion with other in-​house com­puter sys­tems

What's next:

GHS Com­pli­ance

Im­prove your GHS (Glob­ally Har­mo­nized Sys­tem) com­pli­ance.

Re­lated top­ics:

CHEM­DOX Soft­ware Fea­tures Overview

All nec­es­sary fea­tures for seam­less haz­ardous sub­stance man­age­ment.


Gen­er­ate safety rel­e­vant doc­u­ments (SDSs, La­bels, etc.) quickly and eas­ily.

Au­to­matic Clas­si­fi­ca­tion & La­belling

Nu­mer­ous au­to­matic clas­si­fi­ca­tion cal­cu­la­tors avail­able.

Sys­tem In­te­gra­tion & Data Ex­change

Open and easy to in­te­grate. Han­dle re­quired reg­u­la­tory no­ti­fi­ca­tions eas­ily and ef­fi­ciently.

Do you want to know more?